Artificial Intelligence: Can We Regulate Pandora's Box?
1 year ago

In the midst of cries from the founding fathers of artificial intelligence, warning us all of the imminent and potentially apocalyptic dangers of this unprecedented technology.

The architects predict the extinction of the human race if the progress of the tech is left unchecked, equating it to global warming and nuclear weapons. Resounding echoes of 'regulation' have been the go-to solution. But this presents more and harder questions than it answers.

What regulation, specifically? Who and which countries will enact it? How will it be enforced?

One example we can look at that is perhaps of some relevance is cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency took the world by storm in 2018. How long did it take governments around the world to unite, deliberate, and legislate?

Five years later and it still hasn't happened.

The UK has threatened to just throw it in the same box as gambling, which is essentially giving up, legislatively speaking.

One may argue that cryptocurrency doesn't present as much of a threat as AI, and they'd probably be right.

A second example we can look at is climate change, an issue that has the potential to set our spinning space rock home on fire, literally, and wipe out our species at the same time.

This has been recognized as a problem since the 1970s. A problem that has been known for over 50 years, and are we any closer to a real solution?

No. We have developed some gimmicks and some smart tech, but ultimately the solution to a global problem is a global answer, which requires collaboration, dedication, and resources. This will never happen if, firstly, we can't all agree it's a problem and, secondly, when politics and war take precedence.

So what will happen with AI? If these examples are anything to go by, legislation will be passed, but far too little, far too late.

Only countries who voluntarily sign up will enact said legislation, perhaps even levying a tax on AI-driven businesses to level the playing field, attempting to ensure employers still hire some humans.

Enforcement of these laws will be impossible outside the jurisdiction of enactment.

This provides an opportunity for unsporting countries to attract AI-driven businesses. AI havens will pop up, enticing companies with little regulation and low taxation.

But unfortunately, all the legislation and political jabbering will do absolutely nothing to prevent the rapid development of AI.