Migration & Upgrade Services
I offer migration and upgrade services to my clients, this involves upgrading from a programming language version and/or upgrading a framework version. Please check out this Refactor or Rebuild Calculator which assists in making an informed business decision about whether to refactor an existing software application or completely rebuild it, without in depth technical knowledge.
Let's be honest, migrating is normally an expensive and time-consuming process, This is where I can help, I provide a proven and tested approach to migrating & upgrading that will save you time and money.
Stage One - Analysis
I order for us to go anywhere we must first know where we are now, measurable and evidential. Therefore, I will perform an in depth analysis of your codebase using automated tools and collate a report of all the areas that need improvement in your application.
  • We sign a Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • Automated analysis programs are used to find issue in your codebase.
  • You receive a PDF report of found issues and a timeline for fixing them.
* Please note you are not locked in, after receiving the analysis report, you can decide if you wish to continue with the next stage.
Stage Two - Upgrade
If you decide to continue to stage 2, in this stage I will work closely with your dev team to implement the upgrades outlined in the analysis report. We can start with 4 hours a week and if you feel like you're getting value then we can increase as per your needs.
  • I will work in parallel with your team for 10 - 40 hours per week implementing fixes to your codebase.
  • I start with the smallest and easiest issues, I work on a start one - finish one basis, this means I create a change and merge it immediately on completion, no stale branches.
  • We can schedule once a month meetings to discuss progress, blockers and adapt strategy if need be.