Training Day

Need your team to be more aware of code quality and up to date with modern tools that can improve your teams' productivity?

I offer training days for companies, I will cover such topics as clean code (what it does and doesn't look like), SOLID, PSRs, PERs, CI, CD, Rector, Easy Coding Standards, Phpstan.

15 minutes
Introduction and agenda overview.
15 minutes
How to view and deal with criticism and feedback.
Understanding Clean Code
45 minutes
What is clean code? Really, what is SOLID? What does and doesn't it look like?
10 -15 minutes
Introduction to Refactoring & Analysis Tools
45 minutes
Explanation and demonstration of Rector, Phpstan and Easy Coding Standards.
Hands-on Coding Exercises
1 hour
Divided into pairs/groups. Coding exercises and refactoring practice.
Lunch Break
1 hour
Best Practices
30 minutes
Review of PSRs and common conventions.
Advanced Refactoring Techniques
30 minutes
Introduction to advanced techniques. Demonstration and discussion.
Q&A Session
30 minutes
Open floor for questions and discussion.
Wrap-up and Conclusion
15 minutes
Summary of key points. Resources for further learning. Feedback collection.